The Naval Base Coronado Dune Restoration is a ten-year long restoration of the Silver Strand (also known as Highway 75) dunes project. Every three years, SERG restores an approximate one-acre section of the dunes, which are most of the time, predominantly an ice plant dense carpet, which provides little nutrition, habitat and biodiversity to California’s wildlife. NBC dune restoration primarily consists of removing the ice plant through various methods and replacing it with hundreds of native dune and coastal sage scrub plants. It has been previously observed that the removal of ice plants is usually followed by a dormant seed bank of rare plants, such as Brand’s phacelia, coast wooly-heads and Nuttall’s acmispon to resurface as more bare ground and resources has been made available to them. Lastly, NBC dune restoration efforts create a safe habitat for the California’s endangered nesting birds, California Least Tern and Western Snowy Plovers.